Every Friday night in The Oasis cafe' @TRF @7pm

Any Questions? nickr@tablerockfellowship.org or at 541-840-2042

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"When you're ready, come before your King..."

Last Saturday night Pastor Tom spoke these words during his opening prayer... "When you're ready, come before your King." The context was that he was inviting the congregation to take part in communion... to take a moment and come before God in adoration.

The weight of his words floored me instantly...

What King, in any place, in any time, ever... would patiently wait for his people to come before his throne? In the eyes of humanity this would be ridiculous. That's the whole point of being a king, right? You speak, they act. You call, they come. You rule, they obey.

But once again, I sat in the presence of my God, astonished at His upside down Kingdom. One in which a Rabbi washes His disciples feet. One is which God becomes a baby. One in which the first shall be last, and the last shall be first...

A Kingdom in which THE King patiently waits for His people.

How crazy...
How upside down...
How just like Jesus...


  1. Its funny I was just having a conversation with a friend and how God is illogical. Its a good thing He is.

  2. I like the ending point "How crazy, how upside down, how just like Jesus." I think that really sums it up. Jesus doesn't act in a way that makes sense or follows tradition and I think that is part of what draws us to him...we expect control and power and rules and instead find grace and free will. I don't get it but I'm grateful.

  3. Maybe we are the illogical ones. The upside ones. The ones declaring things to be as we see them through a cracked, broken lense. We see a God that demands holiness... and yet... don't remember that apart of that same God is Jesus... who sits with the dirty, wretched ones. He cradles diseased prostitutes in His arms, washing their feet with His tears. He touches the lepers of society, taking their sickness upon Himself and abolishing it with His holiness. I want to know this God more. This Jesus.
