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Any Questions? nickr@tablerockfellowship.org or at 541-840-2042

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Unless you are a theology student or grew up a Presbyterian, you probably have no idea what the title of this post is all about. It's about the fact that i am so blessed to lead this ministry with a bunch of young adults who love Jesus, love each other, and love life. It is so awesome to spend time with you guys fellowshiping, studying, praying, and LAUGHING!!!

Over 360 years ago a bunch of people in Scotland that loved Jesus sought to understand a lot of important things about our faith... the first and foremost question they had was "What is the chief end of man?" or more simply "Whats the point of life?" They came up with an amazing answer that changed The Church forever...

"Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever."

This means a few things for us...
1. Our whole lives are about knowing and worshiping God!
2. We get to be with Him For-Ev-Er!!!
3. God, and the life that He created, is to be enjoyed!
We don't have to get entrapped into religion and legalism! Jesus is about redemption and freedom. I believe firmly that we can glorify God in our words and actions... and ENJOY the amazing blessing of life!

So what you think?


  1. I love how you alluded to the Sand Lot. Great movie! I agree. We are here to glorify our maker. It's too easy to get caught up in the drama of our lives and to lose perspective, but it all comes back to God.

  2. "Your killing me smalls"

    And I sometimes can't help but to laugh at people who have no idea why they are a Christian, or why they go to church, or why they go to a YAM (Young Adult Ministry) the things that they miss out on, the huge part of life that they have no clue about. My heart goes out for them, its sad they will never know or experience they true joy of fellowship and discovering Gods multiple blessings for their life.

    "first you take the mollo, then you put the mollo on a stick, then you rost the mollo, then when the mollo is flaming.... " Great movie!
