Every Friday night in The Oasis cafe' @TRF @7pm

Any Questions? nickr@tablerockfellowship.org or at 541-840-2042

Friday, January 29, 2010


Why do we as people so often jump on our soapbox hobby horse ideas? It seems that everyone has some issue, some sin, some annoyance… That they want to shove down peoples throats. So often, we as Christians, speak of loving people… But does the world know us by our love, I don’t think so. It’s a struggle to put our own ideas of how people should act aside and just love them… It’s not our default. Cause guess what… We’re the sinners.
If Jesus had a soapbox, it was telling the religious people that thought they had their stuff together that they were indeed lost and not even looking in the right direction. We have one major calling as The Church, to Love. To be Christ to the world. Everything else is minor, all the other issues are subplots. How funny that I continue trying to climb up onto a soapbox, while Jesus climbs down to the gutters. When all is said and done… Will I be known for my love?

Who we are... and seek to be...

Faith, Community, Wisdom, Service

We are striving to be firmly planted on the Solid foundation of Jesus

We are striving to become a Solid community of believers.

We are striving to have a Solid understanding of Gods Word.

We are striving to be Solid, active participants in God’s Kingdom.